12. 1 battery operated small table clock. (donate) I can't stand the sound of the ticking of a battery clock.
13. 4 old pillows (donate)
14. 2 old brief cases (donate)
15. 4 old purses (donate) they have been sitting in the basement for months okay maybe years.
16. 1 strange tupperware yellow organizer (donate)
17. 1 bag of cough drops (trash) they were so old the paper had stuck to the cough drops. Gross.
18. Freezer burned food in the freezer (trash)
19. Old Dell computer (Staples) Staples will take old Dell equipment at no charge and dispose of it properly.
20. 12 hand towels/2 bath towels (donate)
21. 1 white mug (donate) I received this from someone that brings back bad memories
22. 1 black folder/organzier (donate)
23. 1 fabric picture frame (donate)
24. 10 cookie tins (donate) I love the tupperware cookie containers...they don't rust and always seal well
25. 1 waffle maker (donate) we don't really like waffles at this house
26. 1 old staple gun and staples (donate) the staple gun was rusting...yuck
27. 1 old plane (donate)
28. Excel 97 Bible book (donate)
29. 3 purple party hats (donate) this was from a party when my daughter was like 5 years old
30. 1 square hamper (donate) it had a rip
31. 1 storm door screen (donate) purfect shape but we got rid the door over 6 months ago
32. 1 empty pampers wipes container (recycle bin)
33. 1 pink heart dollie (trash) it was stained...just looked really bad
34. A 15 year old bike with a broken pedal (donate)
35. 2 boxes of dog treats...my dog didn't like them (donate to animal rescue)
36. Old bike helmet of my Dad's...it never fit my husband (donate)
37. 7 bags of shredding from old bills etc...
38. Lots of empty boxes from pictures...I finally got organized. (recycle)
39. 2 broken garage door opener remotes (donate at county drop off)
40. 3 computer printers (donate at county drop off)