
Wednesday, March 31, 2010

First things to toss

The first items to toss:

1. 20 bras (trash) too worn and too small 3 bras (donate) victoria secrets in good shape
2. Hair removal kit (trash) Oh, my this is old.  I did keep this plastic popsicle shaped stick which I thought might come in handy with the dollhouse.
3. Elmer's stainable wood glue (trash) mostly hardened
4. 4 plug outlet from Egghead Discout Software (trash) the switch on the side is stuck.  Does anyone remember Egghead?  That's like 20 years ago.
5. Conair lotion container warmer.  It was always causing me troubles but still works if someone has the patience. (donate)
6. Fabric pill shaver (donate) I think I had this back in college.  If a sweater is in that bad a shape that I need to use it I'll just toss the sweater.
7. 4 indoor timers (donate) I kept 2 just in case.  We used these 13 years ago at our townhome for electric christmas candles in each window.  I donated the candles years ago but hung onto the timers.  Silly.
8. Pedicure stuff - special socks, brush, ridge filler etc... (donate)  just don't look at my feet okay.
9. Nile file and emery boards (donate) I never liked nail files and emery boards ... give me those new softer emery board things.
10. Earplugs (donate) a friend of mine sleeps with them every night and I thought this might not be such a bad was horrible...I couldn't stand the way they felt in my ears.

Well that's 10 only 40 more to go.  It would have been 39 more to go but my daughter insisted on keeping the vanity mirror for herself.  Let's see how many other things get pulled out of the bag.

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